Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Twin Cities Lemonade Day

Hi Eric,

I was wondering if you would be willing to help us spread the word about Lemonade Day and that our online registration is now open. 

To give you a little background, Lemonade day is a free program that teaches youth how to own their own business.

 To participate, youth need to register (with an adult) to receive a backpack. Within the backpack are the materials needed to learn about business and open their Lemonade stand on Sunday June 5th. Youth can register online to participate and then they are given a list of locations they can pick up their backpack. Or they can register at one of our ongoing sites. So with that - our online registration is now open and we are trying to inform youth and their parents about it. 

Our website they can sign up at is
Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Our Family Is Our Foundation

Sent from my iPad


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