Thursday, November 29, 2007

Gulf Ethanol to License Breakthrough Technology

Gulf Ethanol Corp
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gulf Ethanol Corporation (OTC:GFET) announced today an agreement to acquire the exclusive rights to a break-through cellulose feed-stock processing technology. Gulf will have the exclusive right to deliver this exciting new technology solution to the ethanol industry.
Gulf Ethanol will obtain exclusive rights to a revolutionary technology developed by Meridian BioRefining, Inc. that processes cellulose feed-stocks so that they can be more efficiently converted into ethanol. The process dramatically improves portability while significantly improving process times and ethanol recovery from cellulose.
“This is the breakthrough that the ethanol industry has been seeking,” stated JT Cloud, Gulf Ethanol’s President. “This process will provide ethanol producers with the first cellulosic feed-stock that can be processed quickly and economically. We believe this will revolutionize the ethanol industry by accelerating the conversion of ethanol production in the U.S. from corn to cellulose in just a few years time,” he concluded. The first commercial scale processing unit has been completed by Meridian and is expected to undergo commercial testing prior to deployment in January 2008. Sources of cellulose include wood chips, grasses, sorghum and waste materials like corn stalks and straw. A recent report found that the U.S. is capable of producing a sustainable supply of 1.3 billion tons per year of biomass, and that one billion tons would be sufficient to replace 30 percent or more of America’s present petroleum consumption.
About Gulf Ethanol Corporation
Gulf Ethanol is an alternative energy company focused on the development of the cellulosic ethanol industry with a particular emphasis on Texas and the Gulf Coast. For more information please visit our homepage at: Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipate" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the company to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition, description of anyone's past success, either financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the company assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof.

You should research all investments before committing

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Monday, November 26, 2007

25 Stocks to Invest in a Cleaner World

From Kiplinger

You don't have to be a tree hugger to believe that climate change and energy efficiency will be significant investing themes for years to come.

The National Petroleum Council, a U.S. government advisory body, says existing supplies of oil and natural gas may not meet soaring global demand over the next 25 years. A shortfall could be a windfall for companies that can supply cheaper alternatives to fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, the focus on global warming promises to lead to greater regulation of greenhouse-gas emissions. Already, the European Union has instituted a quota for carbon emissions in response to the Kyoto Protocol, a global treaty that went into effect in 2005. The U.S. did not sign the treaty, but a number of states are acting on their own to limit these pollutants. In addition, Congress passed an energy bill in 2005 that offers subsidies for various new energy technologies, and it is considering another bill this year.
Clearly, these trends will produce stock-market winners and losers, but not all of them are obvious. Makers of wind turbines and biofuels will surely benefit. But so will makers of rail cars and auto-emissions controls.
We've sifted through the implications and put together the Kiplinger Green 25, a list of companies we believe will get a big boost from the growing focus on climate change and the move toward alternative fuels. Our picks vary widely in size, and four are based overseas. Some of the stocks may be expensive, and shares of some of the smaller companies may be volatile. But we think all will do well over the long term. In addition, check out our separate profiles of five up-and-comers -- small (with market values of less than $1 billion), more-speculative companies that someday could grow into green giants.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Amazon's Kindle

Could this be the Ipod for the book reader? I for one love this gadget. With Inc ahead of the bell (AMZN) you may want to start paying attention to what amazon has been up to lately.
From Forbes The Kindle, launched Monday, is a slim handheld device that holds around 200 novels' worth of words and--using electronic ink technology that physically arranges a dark chemical under the screen--displays them so crisply that the text is only barely distinguishable from ink on a page. Unlike the Sony Reader, a device launched about a year ago that uses the same e-ink display technology, the Kindle connects to Amazon's servers with an EVDO cellular connection to download books from a stock of more than 90,000 titles, and can pull an entire novel's text directly onto the device wirelessly in less than a minute. Read More

Amazon Kindle technical specifications:
  • Display: 6″ Diagonal eleptrophoretic display
  • Size: 4.9 inches by 7.5 inches by 0.7 inches
  • Weight: 10.2 ounces
  • Storage: 256MB
  • Expansion: SD Slot
  • Audio: 3.5mm stereo headphone jack + built-in speaker
  • Power: AC Adapter + Rechargeable lithium polymer battery
  • Connectivity: USB 2.0, EVDO/CDMA wireless modem

Top Blogs

Friday, November 16, 2007

Support Your Favorite Blog

MyBlogLog is running a contest called Become a Problogger, so if you have a favorite blog please show your support for that blog by joining it's community. Hint "Share The Wealth".
You can also support your favorite blogs by doing little things like checking out an ad on their page if it honestly interest you, if you are not interested please don't click it. Offer to exchange links you can both benefit from that. Subscribe to their email or feeds, you can vote for them and review them on site like Digg or Techoratti. If you can spare the cash perhaps you could give your favorite blog a donation. Whatever you decide as long as you really like the blog, bloggers appreciate the support I know I do. So thank you from the bottom of of this bloggers heart.
Here are other blogs you may wish to support the top 50 in the contest. I currently rank 396 yeah!

The MyBlogLog Become A Problogger Contest

Your Rankings

396Share The Wealth2

The Current Top 100

1Buen Amigo (Life Stories)136
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's Next For Stocks

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Gomez PEER

What is the "PEER"?

The Gomez PEER(sm) is a secure, Java-based application that runs in the background of your PC. You may even forget it's there, because it will not disrupt the way you use your computer.

Using advanced, peer-to-peer distributed computing technology, the Gomez PEER combines the spare capacity of PCs around the world to measure the performance of Web sites. After you install the Gomez PEER, it will periodically communicate with Gomez servers via the Internet, signal that it's available for work, and request a work unit. And you will be credited for your online time and work processed approximately every 15 minutes that the application is running.

Based on your computer's characteristics (Internet connection type, geographic location and Internet service provider), your PC will receive instructions to autonomously test the performance of Web sites -- gathering important metrics that help identify network bottlenecks and performance problems. All of this happens "behind the scenes," even when you're away from your PC or asleep. Finally, your PC will send its results back to Gomez, where they are added to the work of thousands of other PCs around the world.

Top Blogs

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Carbon Dioxide Capture

With the gradual awareness and change toward green energy sources, and the slow process toward weening our selves of of oil. The most effective method to create energy in the world will be coal, solar, wind, and nuclear power. Nuclear power is by far the most effective but has great potential for disaster, wind is a very clean source however it takes large areas to be effective, solar also is very clean and take up a large area, coal is the most readily available and the US has an abundant supply of it.

With the amount of carbon dioxide that coal produces it is a big contributor to the green house effect. The way to solve that problem is the research of carbon dioxide capture, which has been going on now for 10 years. The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be working together with the first large scale projects here in the U.S.

"Three projects in the United States and Canada will conduct large-volume tests for storing 1 million or more tons of CO2 in deep saline aquifers -- porous rock formations deep in the earth whose pores contain salty water and can be filled with CO2."
Looking at companies that will be doing some of these testings, NRG Energy Inc. (NYSE: NRG) will build one of the largest test projects needed to capture carbon dioxide from coal in Texas.

"As part of our aggressive effort to 'get the carbon out of coal,' we are proud to help demonstrate the viability of this promising technology for post-combustion carbon capture at WA Parish," said David Crane, NRG chief executive in a statement. Reuters
Back in March 2007 American Electric Power (NYSE: AEP) announced two significant memorandums of understanding (MOU) Involving technologies that can be used to reduce CO2 emissions from coal energy plants. McDermott International, Inc (NYSE: MDR) through it's subsidiary Babcock and Wilcox Company will be the first MOU to test the viability of this by retrofitting power plants with oxy-coal combustion (oxycombustion) to existing power plants to reduce CO2 and other emissions.
The second MOU will involve Alstom's chilled ammonia process for CO2 capture to full commercial scale up to 200 MW by 2011. The technology has the great advantage versus other technologies of being fully applicable not only for new power plants, but also for the retrofit of existing coal-fired power plants.
"Global Research Technologies, LLC (GRT), a technology research and development company, and Klaus Lackner from Columbia University have achieved the successful demonstration of a bold new technology to capture carbon from the air. The "air extraction" prototype has successfully demonstrated that indeed carbon dioxide (CO2) can be captured from the atmosphere. This is GRT’s first step toward a commercially viable air capture device."

Read Storage and Carbon Capture: By the Numbers

Top Blogs

Monday, November 12, 2007

IAB: Internet Advertising Continues To Head North

From TechCrunch

New figures released by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers show that internet advertising continues to grow to record levels, with the 3rd quarter internet ad spend in the United States hitting $5.2 billion, a $1.1 billion/ 25.3% increase over the same quarter in 2006.

Whilst the $5.2 billion figure is a record month, the growth rate quarter on quarter are not that spectacular; the third quarter was up only three percent on Q2. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; three percent may not sound a lot, but if it were 33% the cries of bubble would be heard loud and wide. 3% is a sustainable, healthy number that will bring joy to many online who rely on advertising without the related fear that the growth may not be sustainable.

Internet advertising for the first nine months of 2007 totaled $15.2 billion, up 26% over the $12.1 billion recorded the same period in 2006.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Environmental Blog

I have been blogging since April of 2007 and enjoying every minute of it, It is quite a new thing to me and I am still learning quite a bit. When I started I was not sure what I should blog about. I started with a poker blog called Perferredpokerblog you may notice it is spelled wrong which was an inside joke between myself and a friend lets just say I perfer it that way. The next blog was about Dungeons and Dragons I love this game and have been playing since 1980's, the blog is called Dungeons and Dragons Shall Never Die!
The last blog I started was Share The Wealth and it has become my biggest passion I try to offer content on anything that has to do with money and investing I also want it to be a place where I share what I have found on the web that I view as important hence the title Share The Wealth.
In May 2007 I joined Linkreferral and found a blog called The Environmental Blog and I loved it so I subscribed to it via email and I have shared it on my Facebook profile. The Environmental Blog should be a blog that everyone should tune into because it happens to be a very important topic in todays world. The environment happens to be what allows us to survive on this planet we call mother earth. I recommend that you join The Environmental Blog and if not this one then look for another blog with concerns about out environment. Please educate yourself, family and friends and lets try to save everyones "mother" the planet we call earth.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Totals For Yuwie

Yuwie continues it's growth and offers quite a unique opportunity for the social network environment . I know that in certain circles many of you know that you earn money through Yuwie just by using like you would Myspace.
The format is very similar and it is as fun to use, unlike many other social networks you can end up with hundreds of friends. So many people have made friends in hopes of earning more money quickly, I find that that is some what of a tedious cycle of trying to keep up with everyone.
My sugestion is to use it like you do use Myspace don't try to get more people to read your site. Let it happen naturally and when you get the friends request approve it. I personaly have only earned just $0.46 cents and as it grows I hope to earn more, I just want to watch it grow naturally and see what happens.
The great thing about Yuwie is that it is free you never have to pay anything, Yuwie gets it's money from advertising and if you are a member you get a small percentage of those earnings. The important thing is that you only click on the ads you are interested in.
The downside is that Yuwie is new and there are so many social networks out there. Because Yuwie is new it tends to get bogged down from so many members and Yuwie has had to keep up grading servers. I noticed today that it is quite a bit faster and should continue to improve.
clipped from
New Members
Total Members: 249,603
New This Month: 31,315
New Today: 1,935
blog it

Friday, November 9, 2007

My Second Payment From The Updown

This is from my Paypal account and it is the second time I have been paid. Email me for a referral Thanks
clipped from

Recent Activity Last updated 11/9/2007 16:39 PST Show
File Type To/From Name/Email/Phone Date Status Details ActionAmount ($)  Fee
 Payment From The Updown Corp. Nov. 6, 2007 Completed Details  $1.14 USD $0.00 USD 
 blog it

Dome Home Save Energy and Save Money

Dome homes were first brought to our attention in the 1960's and then faded from our thoughts. Not anymore with the environment and our green campaigns to save energy and save our planet the future of dome homes looks to be the thing for the 2000's. I for one hope to see more changes like this.
These dome homes can be built from recycled material and you can easily incorporate solar panels and wind energy to boost saving. Dome home have also been able to with stand hurricane force winds due to the shape of the building structure.
The recent story on CNBC about American Ingenuity a large manufacturer on dome homes looks like a promising venture and investment. American Ingenuity has been in business since 1976 and has recently seen a great growth in business. Lets look for a better future in alternatives.

This is a Video from May 2007 about mini domes in Japan

Could vertical farming be the future?

From Msnbc

Farm able to feed 50,000 people could 'fit comfortably within a city block'

Rice on the seventh floor. Wheat on the twelfth. And enough food within an 18-story tower to feed a small city of 50,000.

Vertical farms, where staple crops could be grown in environmentally friendly skyscrapers, exist today only in futuristic designs and on optimistic Web sites. Despite concerns over sky-high costs, however, an environmental health expert in New York is convinced the world has the know-how to make the concept a reality — and the imperative to do so quickly.

With a raft of studies suggesting farmers will be hard-pressed to feed the extra 3 billion people swelling the world’s ranks by the year 2050, Columbia University professor Dickson Despommier believes a new model of agriculture is vital to avoid an impending catastrophe.

“The reason why we need vertical farming is that horizontal farming is failing,” he said. If current practices don’t change by mid-century, he points outs, an area bigger than Brazil would need to become farmland just to keep pace with the demand.

Working the soil has always been an uncertain venture, and Despommier argues that the price of crop failure is growing ever steeper as the global population mushrooms. “The world,” he said, “is running out of resources faster than what it can replace.”

Critics like Bruce Bugbee, a professor of crop physiology at Utah State University in Logan, see improvements in how future farmlands are managed as more practical and cost-effective. To Despommier, though, the world already has the need and the technology to dramatically improve yields and reliability by adjusting its point of view: from out to up.

The Columbia researcher said his interest in vertical farming is an extension of his long-standing work on disease transmission among humans. Among the laundry list of benefits he cites, Despommier believes vertical farming could help break the transmission cycle of diseases in traditional agricultural settings. But it’s the potential to help solve impending food shortages that really excites him.

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Behold the Miracle of Compound Interest

Kiplinger's Starting out

When you're young, you have an asset money can't buy: TIME. Start saving now and turn pocket change into riches.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Micah and I went to culinary school and became fast friends, in fact I would say he is my best friend. He set allot of goals one of them was to go to Antarctica. Well he made it, this is what is means to set goals and if you set them you can achieve wonders.

From My Fiend Micah who is in Antarctica:

Ann Curry from the Today Show is here at Mcmurdo and will be doing the show live on the 5th. She came and had lunch with myself and a couple other cooks today which was sweet. She is writing about here time down here one their website so here is a link, . So if you can watch the show I might be there!!

From allDAY Today's Family Blog

(From Matt Carluccio, TODAY producer)

We've arrived at McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

The flight in was thrilling -- especially for the team members who were invited to sit in the cockpit on the approach into McMurdo. I'll leave it to Ann Curry to describe, and for viewers to watch the video (we'll be sure to include on November 5), but just imagine a fully-loaded cargo plane landing on 20-foot-thick sea ice. Amazing to me, but routine for the Operation Deep Freeze pilots from McChord Air Force Base who support McMurdo Station.
Our gracious hosts from the National Science Foundation greeted us and spent the better part of the day giving us a tour of "station," as the locals call it. McMurdo is the largest of the three U.S. research bases on Antarctica and it serves as the U.S. Antarctic Program's hub - basically, everyone comes through McMurdo. It is a unique place, to say the least.
While some might envision a camp of igloos and huts, McMurdo is actually a small and highly efficiently run town. Sitting on crusted volcanic rock along the frozen sound from which it gets its name, construction on McMurdo began in the 1950's by the U.S. Navy and it's progressed in some form ever since. Today, more than 60 buildings have dotted the area - some crude looking from the outside but all sufficient to house and work the 1,100 scientists and staff who come here for the summer season which starts in October and last until February.

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