Monday, October 15, 2007

A little poem I wrote called "Breath"

I wrote this poem just today on my Yuwie blog and thought I would share it here to. It is called "Breath" 10/15/2007
clipped from
when the world was young the breath was sweet she breathed in and she breathed out creatures breathed in, creatures breathed out creatures breathed out and she breathed in
what breath we share was sweet
what breath i breathed was sweet and i feel young when i breathe out she breathes in she shares my breath and the breath is sweet you and i breathe the breath of her
always she gives us more sweeter than before
no breath can ever be better than hers when no breath comes then we breathe no more so give our breath back to her breathe deep the breath of her no sweeter breath you can give back to her EPW
blog it

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