Friday, August 31, 2007

Investing in Canada Blog

I am always in search of interesting sites on the web. I found this one when I was checking my reviews through Linkreferral. I love finance and investing and this site peaked my interest, because it shared very valid points on economic growth not only in Canada but here in the U.S. not only that but if you are an investor you need to get as many point of views as possible to make good investment choices. Please take your time to visit this blog.

Investing in Canada

Investing in Canada is an investment blog discussing financial trends effecting the stock markets, and strategies to improve portfolio returns.

Investing in Canada

Investing in Canada is an investment blog discussing financial trends effecting the stock markets, and strategies to improve portfolio returns.

GDP Growth, Inflation, and the Yield Curve

GDP Growth: Statistics Canada reported a rise of 2.8% in GDP annualized over 2006. The latest report available indicates an increase in GDP of 0.3% in May, 2007 after remaining nearly unchanged through April. Strong increases in retail and wholesale trade were present while a drop in oil and gas exploration constrained overall growth. GDP Growth is expected to remain strong through 2007 at an estimated 2.6% and subsequent 2.7 % in 2008.
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