Thursday, October 25, 2007

Money and Marriage

When it comes to marriage and money allot of things can go wrong. I strongly believe that for both of the people involved you need to sit down and discuss your financial feelings. Here is a great video providing five tips.
Couples argue more about money than about sex, but not as much as they fight about the kids or taking out the garbage. 84% of our respondents note that money causes tension in their marriages, and 13% say they fight about money several times a month. The leading cause of dissension is disagreement about financial priorities.
Husbands and wives divvy up money-related tasks along very traditional lines. Men still tend to do most of the big-picture, long-term planning while women manage the household's day-to-day finances. The gender divide seems to conform to some of our hardest-to-shake stereotypes. Man hunt food; woman make cave pretty.
Above are some topics discussed at

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